


SIZE :Please contact us for additional information.
WEIGHT :Please contact us for additional information.
CONSUMPTION :84 kg/m2 (For 7 cm thickness)

Clay Surface

Kilograms per Square Meter: 84 (For 7 cm thickness)

Please contact us for additional information.

The Specification of Clay Surface:

  • Clay surface should be produced by only roof tile, it is because when roof tile produced it has vertical and horizontal press and it is also cooked by kiln about 950 c, this high temperatures increase the resistance of materials.  Other clay materials such as brick factories do not increase their temperatures about 900 degrees, and do not have vertical press; these factors affect the quality of materials.
  • Roof tile absorption of water is %13 according to international standards TS EN 1304, for bricks the standards do not require water absorption, and when we compare roof tile and bricks for water absorption brick is doubled to roof tile, this leads to deformation of the surface when materials absorb water and freeze.
  • It should not contain any other material.
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